Sunday, April 17, 2011

Challenge Complete Check out the Results!

Results are in for Coach’s 24 Day Challenge - 12 POUNDS, 2 BELT SIZES AND 5.5 TOTAL INCHES LOST IN 24 DAYS!!

I have completed my Advocare 24 Day Challenge and I am super pleased with my results. I must say that the whole challenge flew by, seems like I just started it yesterday but it has been a great ride. I have reached a weight that I have not seen in years (under 240) , have improved my diet and am feeling better than I have in a long time. Below is my personal review of the challenge and what it has done for me and the possibilities it has for you guys as well!

Phase 1 The Cleanse – The first 10 days of the challenge or the cleanse part consisting of fiber drinks in the morning along with the meal replacement shakes and pills at night is the Oil Change that our body needs. With in days I felt slimmer, less bloated and that my body was functioning the way it should. The meal replacements taste great, and the cleanse was very soft on the ole stomach. I will be taking this cleanse at least once a quarter from here on out to clean out the system and get my body functioning the way it should. During my challenge I lost a few pounds during this phase and it set me up for the next part.

Phase 2 Max Phase – The last 13 days is where I felt my body took off in many ways. First of all my energy levels were through the roof, my stomach began to shrank and my love handles that I have had my entire life seemed to somewhat disappear. This part of the challenge was so simple. With pills that I would take in the morning with my meal replacement and then with lunch there was not a ton of stuff to remember. I got into the rhythm with the plan and it flew by. One of my defining moments during this part was when Christina and I went out to dinner and I put on my belt and I was down 2 belt sizes! That was awesome!

Final Thoughts – Overall I am super pleased with everything about the challenge. It did exactly what it said it would. Help me decrease weight and inches while increasing my energy levels and improving my nutritional habits. My plan is to continue taking the meal replacements for my breakfast every morning, omega complexes, spark, catalyst and rehydrate. I am sold on Advocare products and the system and look forward to loosing more weight ( the 220’s) and improving my overall health for my wife and son (in August). Thanks to all who have followed me on this journey! If you would like more information on the Advoacre 24 Day Challenge please contact me at or go to

Final Results

Weight Lost = 12 Pounds

Inches Lost = 5.5 Inches

3 Belt Sizes

And Feeling Great!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

2 Belt Loops and 8 Pounds Down on My Challenge!

Week 3 in the Books 2 Belt Sizes & 8 Pounds Down and Feeling Great with 3 More Days to Go

I just finished up with week 3 of my Advocare 24 Day Challenge and so far I have nothing but great things to say about the challenge and the products. As of last Friday I have lost 8 pounds within the first 3 weeks of the challenge and am feeling AWESOME! I am looking forward to finishing this thing up and continuing on with my new healthier and active lifestyle.

Week 3 was loaded with temptations to jump off the train with my challenge. From friends birthday parties, to extra urges to eat a whole thing of hummus I had to push myself to stay on track with what I am doing. I slipped up a little bit I am not going to lie but, not nearly as bad as I used too. One of the biggest differences that I have noticed is a decrease in appetite though out the day. I still am hungry and want to eat but just not nearly as much. For someone who wants to loose weight in a healthy way this is huge!

Since last time I posted I started the 2nd phase of the program, the MAX Phase. During this phase I have been taking a series of pills and vitamins in the morning before and with breakfast as well as before lunch. I have continued to go with the Meal Replacement Shake in the morning for breakfast and have 5 more meals throughout the day to go with this shake. This phase is where they say you see the most difference and I have to agree I feel great in this phase and feel that I have a new lifestyle!

My goal is to hit the 10 pound mark for weight loss! My inches lost will be real interesting as well! 3 MORE DAYS TO GO!!!

Next Post Before and After Pics on the Way!!

Have a great Week!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 2 of My 24 Day Challenge

Week 2 of My 24 Day Challenge

Week 2 is in the book and I am over half way through the 24 day challenge. To date I am down 6 pounds and am feeling great and energized. I started the second phase of the challenge a few days ago The MNS Max Pack. It is a couple packs of pills that you take in the morning and before lunch to help maximize energy and weight loss. The goal is that this phase has your body running like a Ferrari when you are done and believe me my body and a Ferrari have never been used in the same sentence before.

I had a few slip ups with my diet this weekend when Christina and I went to Savannah for our Anniversary. Had a little to much to eat and went for a few sweets a couple of times. But, overall I feel like I did well and really did not want to take part in the big eating like I used too. Having the meal replacement shakes in the morning I believe really sets the rest of my day up to be successful and gives me a great jump start. I look forward to these last 10 days or so of the challenge and continuing on with the new and improved healthy lifestyle that I have acquired. Only 20 more weeks till the little guy gets here and I need to be lean and mean by that time! Below are my workouts for the week. Hope you enjoy!

Monday: Total Body 45 Minutes

- TRX Roll Outs 3 x20

- Cable Rotations 3 x15

- Jump Rope 3 x60s

- db Single arm snatch 3 x6

- KB Deep Squats 3 x15

- Jump Rope 3 x60s

- DB Incline Bench 3 x15

- TRX Rows 3 x15

- DB Lunges 3 x20

Tuesday Cardio – Stair Master 35 Minutes Level 7

Wednesday –Total Body

- Plate Curl ups 3 x15

- Plate Lunge with Rotations 3 x10 each

- Jump Rope 3 x60s

- KB Swings 3 x15

- TRX Single Leg Squats 3 x12

- Jump Rope 3 x 60s

- Keiser Barbell Bench Press 3 x12

- Keiser Single Arm Rows 3 x12

- Jump Rope 3 x60s

- Pull Ups 3x max

- Push ups 3x 15

- Leg Press 3 x15

Thursday Cardio – Stairmaster 35 minutes Level 7

Hope everyone has a great week!
